
This year marks KBHU-FM's 35th anniversary. To celebrate our rich history, we are posting archival materials about The Buzz. These will include newspaper articles, classic audio clips and photographs, interviews with alumni and more!

PLEASE NOTE: These materials are posted exactly as we've found them.
Copyrights remain with the sources cited and/or The Buzz. Enjoy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

FM broadcasts aid TV courses

From The Black Hills Anemone, February 1, 1974:
by Mary Ann Moon

Giving students practical experience in broadcasting is the objective in Richard Boyd's "Radio and TV Speaking" class, and they are getting it by producing programs over area FM radio stations.

Pending the grant of a license from the Federal Communications Commission to operate an FM station on campus, the class is using KBHB-FM in Sturgis to air programs.

They are taped here on campus by students, cleared by the administration, and then taken to Sturgis where KBHB manager Les Kleven decides if he can use them.

"I feel that the students do a better job if they know that the program is likely to be broadcast," Boyd stated.

A two and a half hour special on New Year's Day featuring music from the twenties to the seventies is just one of the programs that has been produced.

The class also taped the Black Hills State Christmas Concert which was used by KBFS-FM in Belle Fourche.

The 37 students are starting out doing one-minute commercials and will later move on to 15-30 minute programs.

Boyd emphasized that the students do all of the taping and broadcasting and that it is open to everyone, not just the ones in the class. Anyone interested should contact him.

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