
This year marks KBHU-FM's 35th anniversary. To celebrate our rich history, we are posting archival materials about The Buzz. These will include newspaper articles, classic audio clips and photographs, interviews with alumni and more!

PLEASE NOTE: These materials are posted exactly as we've found them.
Copyrights remain with the sources cited and/or The Buzz. Enjoy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

KBHU schedules program change

From The Black Hills Anemone Today, November 6, 1974:

KBHU recently added ‘Clayton’s Corner’ to its regular programming schedule.

The program, aired for the first time last week, is on the talk show format and consists of an informative discussion with special guests by the show’s host Clayton Jones. The program is aired Tuesday evenings, 9:30 p.m.

In reference to his program, Jones notes, “I’m looking forward to producing the show and hope it will be a success. The feedback the station receives on the show may make a difference on the type of format I have.” Jones turned over his regular disc jocky duties with the station for his special program.

Jones said he plans to host campus fraternities, sororities, clubs and organizations as well as individuals.

Among new programs will be a bi-monthly “Rap with the Vet Rep” with Rick Soelzer, Vet Representative, airing Mondays, 4:00 p.m.

Two news shorts, “View from the 33rd Floor” and “European Information Service,” each running approximately five minutes, feature news background and feature material from each week’s issue of “Time” magazine and news items concerning current European news. “View from the 33rd Floor” will broadcast three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:00 p.m., “European News” will only air Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.

“I would like to express our desire for feedback,” emphasized Rick Boyd, communication instruction and station advisor, “this first year we really are free to experiment with all kinds of programming.” Also campus news from club presidents, faculty and administration may be broadcast over KBHU. Students may place the news items in a box at the Student Center desk, or can call 642-4446 or 642-6737.

Monday, December 14, 2009

FM station needs student response to aid in programming

From The Black Hills Anemone Today, September 25, 1974:

KBHU, the college’s first FM radio station, went on the air officially Sept. 3. The station, housed in the AV floor of the E. Y. Berry Library-Learning Center, began preliminary testing in December.

“We have received a lot of community support as well as help from KBHB, Sturgis and KBFS, Belle Fourche,” added Richard Boyd, communications instructor and program director.

Student response is needed to present program scheduling. “We are testing various types of programming and would really appreciate comments pro or con about the station,” states Boyd. The present trial programming will be in effect the rest of this month with future scheduling on the basis of feedback from students.

Two classes, Radio and TV Speaking and Broadcasts Operations, will be working with the station as well as classwork. Students interested in working on the station should contact Richard Boyd.

Other station work includes selection and cataloging of records as well as gathering community and campus news, and designating various programs for tape.

Present programming topics include Pacem in Terris, a bi-weekly program of speeches of contemporary political figures concerning the achievement and maintenance of world peace; Man and His Music, a music supplement to the course; and Moments to Remember, for “nostalgia freaks” with music from “childhood days”.

Keith Oren serves as DJ for KBHU. The new FM station broadcasts from 4 p.m. to 12 M, seven days a week, at 89.1.


4:00-4:01 Sign On                   5:45-6:15 Country Road         7:00-12:00 Popular Music
4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam      6:15-6:45 Moments to          12:00 Sign Off
                 News                                       Remember 20's
4:15-5:45 Aft. Affair                6:45-7:00 Cam News

4:00-4:01 Sign On                   4:15-5:30 Aft. Affair              6:15-6:45 Moments to               8:00-9:00 Easy Street

4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam      5:30-5:45 Interview                                Remember 30's          9:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)

                 News                       5:45-6:15 Country Road        6:45-7:00 Cam News               12:00         Sign Off

                                                                                                7:00-8:00 Pacem in Terris (Ed.)


4:00-4:01 Sign On                   5:45-6:15 Country Road         7:00-8:00 Easy Street

4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam      6:15-6:45 Moments to             8:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)

                 News                                       Remember 40's      12:00        Sign Off

4:15-5:45 Aft. Affair                6:45-7:00 Cam News

4:00-4:01 Sign On                   5:30-6:15 Country Road           7:00-8:00 Man and His             9:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)
4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam      6:15-6:45 Moments to                                  Music (Ed.)          12:00           Sign Off
                 News                                       Remember 50's         8:00-9:00 Pacem in Terris (Ed.)              

4:15-5:30 Aft. Affair                6:45-7:00 Cam News                                              


4:00-4:01 Sign On                    4:15-5:30 Aft. Affair                6:56-7:00  Cam News              

4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam       5:30-6:15 Country Road          7:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)          
                 News                        6:15-6:45 Moments to           12:00           Sign Off             
                                                                   Remember 60's                          

4:00-4:01 Sign On                   5:30-6:45 Moments to                 8:00-10:00 Sat. Nite Special (Stereo Concert)
4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam                       Remember 70's         10:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)          
                 News                       6:45-7:00 Cam News                 12:00           Sign Off              
4:15-5:30 Aft. Affair                7:00-8:00 Popular                                             


4:00-4:01 Sign On                   6:15-6:45 Broadway and            12:00           Sign Off 
4:01-4:15 Comm and Cam                       Movie Sndtrk.                

                 News                       6:45-9:00 Easy Street                              
4:15-6:15 Concert Hall            9:00-12:00 Rock (Blues)              

                 of the Air                               


Monday, December 7, 2009

FM station will start Sept. 3

From The Black Hills Anemone Today, August 26, 1974:

Beginning Sept. 3, the Black Hills FM station will begin broadcasting.

Workmen finished construction on the station this summer and station director Rick

Boyd says that the college will broadcast eight hours a day, seven days a week, 4 p.m.-12 M.

Boyd said that any student, irregardless of experience, that is interested in being a DJ or working in the station should contact him in Library 024 or the FM station in Library 023.

The new station will operate on a frequency of 89.1 FM.