
This year marks KBHU-FM's 35th anniversary. To celebrate our rich history, we are posting archival materials about The Buzz. These will include newspaper articles, classic audio clips and photographs, interviews with alumni and more!

PLEASE NOTE: These materials are posted exactly as we've found them.
Copyrights remain with the sources cited and/or The Buzz. Enjoy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

FM station will start Sept. 3

From The Black Hills Anemone Today, August 26, 1974:

Beginning Sept. 3, the Black Hills FM station will begin broadcasting.

Workmen finished construction on the station this summer and station director Rick

Boyd says that the college will broadcast eight hours a day, seven days a week, 4 p.m.-12 M.

Boyd said that any student, irregardless of experience, that is interested in being a DJ or working in the station should contact him in Library 024 or the FM station in Library 023.

The new station will operate on a frequency of 89.1 FM.

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